Sunday, 17 January 2010

Little House on the Prairie

Galloping horses on the end of the bed, covered wagons on the pillowcases. I'm sure to dream of Little House on the Prairie tonight, which along with "The Waltons" was my favourite TV show
when I was little.
New orange penguins from the charity shop on the bedside table. "Why?", my daughter asks, "do you always buy orange penguins?" "Because I love them", I say, and that is good enough reason for me.
It has been a very difficult, sicky week, with my entire family sick with a stomach bug. I feel as though the washing machine has been going non-stop for days now, but at least now I have matching pillowcases, lol.


  1. Well hello there Primrose
    Thank you for your comment - it has brought me here, and what do I find? Just the most delightful Laura Ingalls bed I ever did see!!! Like you I lived my fantasy life through Laura and the Waltons family as a child.... in fact I recently got a DVD of some Little House on the Prairie episodes from a flea market. I've thoroughly enjoyed catching up with them all.
    I shall now go browse your other posts....
    Happy days to you,
    Denise x

  2. i love how your new granny blanket looks with the western theme here, adorable!

    btw, we're watching "little house" right now!

