Monday 11 January 2010

Frugal 2010

Like many families, we're worried about the credit crunch and what it might mean for us. Already hubby has lost his job, but thankfully found another. I work for a large corporation and know due to past experience that the axe can fall with little warning.

We're very fortunate to both have jobs at the moment, and I know that a lot of others are not so lucky, but it doesn't pay to be complacent.

Because of this, we've decided to try to live as frugally as possible this year.

1 comment:

  1. We are down to one salary and having taken the Dottie Angel challenge in the lead up to Christmas and used my time wisely (making all the things that I have always wanted to make) we had our best Christmas ever! Really homespun and meaningful.So I am embracing the challenge now for the rest of the year and enjoying the riches -despite the financial hardship -it is bringing, so Happy Frugality!!
    Warm Wishes,
    Cally x
